Duffs news 06-02-2009
Oh Boy It's Dr Seuss Day..
Verizon to open App store soon
Sure to make Developers swoon
It will support Brew and Java
Hoping it will be as hot as Lava....
A Nit- twitter took a whack on the Noggin
while crackberrying a tweet,
oh how sweet
getting tripped up on his own two feet.
Will he ever walk and tweet?
I don't know lets ask Pete.
Palm and Sprint give a hint
They're hoping Pre will launch without any hitches
with no more dirty software glitches.
so they built a room made for War
hoping to support all the Sprint stores
Everyone knows that Sprint is in trouble
if they mess this up it will be double.
So we will all see, what can Pre Be
will customers stay or will they flee...
Google a Gaggle with a new cupcake batter
Does it all matter?..
how much software can they make?
making the cell phones act so smart
not to to sweet and not to tart
Bake it into PC's
Bake it into Phones,
Google will be making money all the way home...
T-Mobile promises a New Android by summer
hoping it will not be a sales bummer
G1, Now G2 what will it do?
more than you think and more than you know
with video and touch
can it do much?
we will soon find out
when July comes about....
TechFaith launches an HSUPA Card
Hey that's kind of hard
to launch a Card
in our own backyard?
What do you expect from a CEO named Defu Dong
no kidding, no pun just had some fun
sorry if I went on a little to long...